Nislam religion facts pdf files

Islamic practices center on the five pillars of islamfaith. Culture and religion information sheet islam 3 from sudan, iraq, albania, bosnia and somalia started arriving in the mid1990s. Religion and islam in contemporary international relations. There is no god but god and muhammad is the prophet of god. In 197576 the perth muslim association pma and the islamic council of western australia icwa were formed to coordinate islamic activities in perth and the state. Muslims believe that islam is more than a religious beliefit is a way of living in accordance with ones religious faith. Religion discussion jehovah s witness donation3 transplantation3 agreeing to an organ transplant or organ donation is a personal decision. Thus a focus on the facts and efforts towards mutual understanding are particularly important when it comes to islam. Some outsiders call our religion mohammedanism and address the believers in. Western australia is a multiethnic, multireligious and multicultural society.

In islam, allah is always allah, which is the arabic word for the god or the deity. The fact is that the muslims never worshipped muhammad or any other human being. Fantastic collection of worksheets and resources available to download today. In a religious context the word islam means the surrendering of ones will without compulsion to the true will of god in an effort to achieve peace. According to al hafiz b a masri, using animals for research may be permitted in islam. Religious freedom and mutual respect for all religions are integral parts of our shared.

Islam is a practical religion that takes rare circumstances into consideration. If one is travelling, taking a long exam, performing a surgery, or ill they may shorten or combine their prayers. Despite the fact that there are so many muslims in the world, in many places there is a. Free 30 facts about islam ebook 1 islam means surrender or submission. Islam is a religion that has fixed teachings, these teachings cannot be changed, but they are flexible. And i want to acknowledge the fact that you indeed are a demonstration of the assimilation of a muslim. This article looks at the five pillars of islam, which are the five obligations that every muslim must satisfy in order to live a good and responsible life. Followers of each practice monotheism, a belief in one god. Islam is the second largest religion in the world after christianity, with about 1. All organs and tissues, however, must be completely drained of blood before transplantation.

Read cnn s islam fast facts and learn more about islam, the religion of muslims, who believe in allah and his prophet muhammad. The origin of islam is placed around 610 ce when muhammad, a highly spiritual. Islam and the judeochristian west have had a challenging relationship for centuries and todays conflicts in the middle east are religiously charged. Rather it is a deen, which comes from the arabic for way of life. Although its roots go back further, scholars typically date the creation of islam to. Shahada is the muslim profession of faith, expressing the two simple, fundamental beliefs that make one a muslim. The five pillars of islam are its most fundamental beliefs and practices. Islam a brief overview of the history of islam the origin of islam is. Ten things to know about the muslim prayer facts about. Islam is currently the second largest religion in the world next to christianity. A brief illustrated guide to understanding islam the religion of. The animals must not suffer pain or mutilation and there must be a.